Andrée Ruffo
In this work, Andrée Ruffo has compiled nearly forty powerful speeches from all corners of the globe in order to show in a striking manner how some of them have, despite their clever talk, infinitely lied to the children.
Several of this planet’s prominent personalities, although wielding the power to improve the lives of children and to put an end to their suffering, have sadly being satisfied with their own words. It is obvious that very little has been accomplished. Beyond a complicity of silence, a generalized indifference and a lack of political will have forced us to denounce a situation that has become more than disastrous.
In this work, Andrée Ruffo has compiled nearly forty powerful speeches from all corners of the globe in order to show in a striking manner how some of them have, despite their clever talk, infinitely lied to the children.
ISBN : 978-2-923344-07-2
288 pages
Shipping fees for Canada : 6 $
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